
6.Oxaumare 2:21

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 This CD is a compilation of Songs and Rhythms of the Orixas with a little touch of instrumental flavor and sounds of natural elements these are all traditional songs and rhythms of Afro-Brazilian Condomble houses of Brazil.    

    Jorge Bezerra also known as Jorge “Alabe”. A renowned Chief master drummer of the Candomblé Houses through out Brasil. He is highly respected among all the Escola de Samba groups of Rio de Janeiro.  His most recent experience has been with the international touring group “Oba Oba” of which he has been a member for the past 20 years. “Oba Oba” is the internationally renowned Brazilian showcase highlighting Brazil’s rich cultural heritage through music, songs, and dance. He was also the director of the Minas Gerias Samba School in Bela Horizonte, Brazil.

Before joining “Oba Oba” he spent 30 years of his life playing for the most respected Candomble houses in Brazil and for the last twenty years he has held the title of “Alabe which means that he has obtained the highest-level drummer in the Candomble religion. This name is rarely bestowed on drummers unless they have been initiated, mastered and have years of experience in Candomble rituals. Most notably he has played with “Casa Senora da Cadieos de Oxun”. He has taught classes on Candomble drumming at the Afro-Brazilian Cultural Institute lead by Meceges Batista, a famous Afro-Brazilian cultural historian.

In addition, Jorge Alabe has conducted workshops on Candomble and Samba in New York, San Francisco, San Diego, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, and Wisconsin. Jorge is responsible for part of the success of San Francisco’s Brazil Camp. Greatly due his encouragement and faithfulness of hundreds of his students and friends Jorge is the featured artist on a recently released CD entitled BATA KETU: A Musical Interplay of Cuba and Brazil, which brings together Candomble rhythms and songs of Brazil with the Afro-Cuban rhythms and songs of Santeria religion.