encouragement and faithfulness of hundreds of his students and friends Jorge is the featured artist on a recently released CD entitled BATA KETU: A Musical Interplay of Cuba and Brazil, which brings together Candomble rhythms and songs of Brazil with the Afro-Cuban rhythms and songs of Santeria religion.
1.Avamunha 2:16
2.Ogum 2:09
3.Oxossi 2:47
4.Obaluae 1:13
5.Ossain 2:51
6.Oxaumare 2:21
7.Xango 4:53
8. Logun ede
9: Oxum 2:21
10. Yansa 2:28
11. Yemanya 2:56
12.Oxalufan 1:59
13.Oxaguian 1:41
Contact info: 501-393-6400
Or 504-236-7479
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